

ok sorry guys that I did not blog for awhile I have been busy and busier. Back to dancing with the dance group, working, managing projects, traveling a little and trying to keep it together. I had applied for a third year leadership position and apparently was not the right fit so I think I am going to come home as of December. Then weird things started happening and I started feeling like I was supposed to stay in my site. So I talked with my boss about the option of staying in my site for another year and she said she did not know because we do not know the budget of 2012 still to be able to decide how many third year positions there will be. The reasons that I started thinking that I should stay is basically work started falling into place perhaps too much. I got an opportunity to design and manage a s/24,000 project. To recover and prevent malnutrition. Which is exactly what I have been wanting this whole time that I have been here and just did not get the time to make the effort. This literally fell into my lap and they gave it to me. So excellent. Really honestly stressful because I am still in charge of managing my sexual health promoters, accompanying them to teach classes, doing nutritional counseling, teaching in night school, helping on the parent school to make sure it does not fail, running my healthy households to soon be builiding improved cookstoves and now this project. Plus I received a phone call to say that there will be a training in my site in August. Then for some reason the health professionals at my health post finally started to think that I was actually worthwhile and want me to train them about health promotion and nutrition. Getting everything together to be able to take a lovely vacation with my sister and mom and get to show them the life I lead. I feel like it will be so interesting getting their perspective on my reality. Got the opportunity to go up to the mountains and take a bath in a mysterious lake I think it worked a little too well. It was a 3 hour hike one way and it was a trek because it had been raining so hiking up and down hills steep hills in straight mud. I did not fall but my friend did. exhausting, freezing. Getting into the lake was like the polar bear plunge because the water was freezing cold it burned my skin. It was hilarous because I had put on my bikini a bikini in the mountains in the rain running in an open field shivering and yelling thinking that getting into the lake would be an improvement and finding out I was chillingly mistake. I thought I was going to get pnemonia or hypothermia. I spent three hours after we got home trying to get the feeling back into my feet. The future is so uncertain I have to admit I got nervous at the thought of coming back to the states and having total culture shock and being unemployed, and not being able to dance like 4 times a week and not get to be my own boss anymore. And having to be punctual and live in a place with so many laws. But if I have to come home I think that it will be great to be close with the friends and family and get to check out the next chapter in my life. I was disappointed to have not gotten the job because well I really did not think that I would have gotten rejected. But it happened. And then I felt silly for having always thought that I would have been here for another year and now it might not happen. I can only wait now to see if staying in my site is a realistic option. Tomorrow is the yearly meeting for the budget for my district where I will be trying to get funds for improved cookstoves and the second stage of the nutrition project. There is so much to get done in these months to come. I would like to congratulate the newly engaged. best of luck lizann. love yall.

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