

So work is going well, if non stop busy but great. In my one job we just finished a training with the volunteers where I got one good beach day in and it was so funny because my friend spent it throwing dead fish at me I told her how dangerous and unhygienic it is but well hygiene is not her finer suit. In which case I thought that I had found a dead crab and picked it up and was mocking her with it when I realized it was still alive and shaking its claws at her as well. One the day we arrived there was also some random event about how we should take care of the ocean and they had this sort of aerobic latin dance class outside and there was a huge crowd of people watching and we could not help ourselves so we jumped in a sweated off all the salt and sunscreen. Then we spent three days inside training and escaping to sun bathe at every chance we could. I got to do some activities and presentations and felt really confident about the abilities that I have to train. It was interesting getting to know the new group of workers and see how their first months are going in their sites and how emotion those first months can be. Then there was a bunch of drama in another area and it is still unresolved so as usual it feels like we are constantly juggling like a 100 balls high in the air at the same time and hoping that none falls. As we wrapped up a successful event we already have to have the next one ready which will be happening next month but all the budgets and plans have to be turned in 6 weeks in advance. There is no procrastination. Boo. As a result of the stress and perhaps the changes in my sleep schedule and eating habits I got sick at on the third day of training with bacterial pharyngitis. Ill terrible and forced to sleep for like 2 days straight and take antibiotics. Lets see in my other job we have completely revamped the way that they are doing health promotion and standardized their interventions that they do in schools and the work they are doing with families. It is incredible but has required a lot of making documents and lesson plans and educative materials. So necessary. These past weeks and upcoming 2 involve trainings of a long list of people on how to use these tools and techniques that I have brought some of which I have personally developed. If this works I will be able to feel personally responsible for having provoked changes in statistics. I have been dancing quite a bit which has reduce my stress levels immensely not to mention that I met an ultimate fighter that has his own gym and I have been training with him. He says that I hit harder than any girl he has ever trained with and if I could dedicate 3 days a week in the gym that I would be able to get good enough to compete which I would LOVE but doubt that I have the time considering next month and all the following months I will be traveling two weeks out of each month. Those types of interruptions make it impossible to stay up to shape and develop a solid technique and endurance, so no worries I will not be getting beat up. It was probably the first time I have worked out in over 2 years and I literally left pools of sweat. Talk about cleansing. However, I think that if I would work out regularly and get a more regular eating habit my immune system would get better. I really cannot afford to be sick all the time. It makes you work at half speed. There are fun concerts to go to here and summer still means beach visits on the weekends. There is quite a bit to be explored in terms of cultural events and architecture, history and anthropology in Lima and right outside of the city there are many places to explore. Although I have yet to do much I am thinking that perhaps if I schedule it in each weekend I will be able to experience a bunch more. Optimistic and living life the the fullest. I would like to congratulate my friend Molly Pond on her recent marriage and send my wishes of joy and fulfillment in the new stage of your life. love yall.

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