
my bad

Ok well I apologize for not writing sooner things have been getting very interesting here. On the note of my site there is still not a lot of rain and consequently no confirmed cases of dengue and thus no worries. I am definately staying in my site thank goodness. March 1st is the actual 50th Anniversary of my organization, I was granted the compliment of being specially invited to attend the event in Lima. My regional director told me that based on my character and in recognition of the work I do I should be the one to represent Piura. Later that same week I received an invite to go to train the new group of volunteers on my style of work because it is considered highly effective. Then, I know can you stand it, I got another phone call saying that a reporter from what would be considered a state wide newspaper would be covering a story on my work along with two other volunteers in Piura. It was a day full of interviews with health promoters, mothers, visiting cook stoves, with a professor, and with my mayor. I was shocked when I received a page and a half of coverage talking mostly about my opinions on why adolescent pregnancy exists and about how I teach sex ed. Which is basically an eigth of my work. I was concerned but my boss says that it was a good representation of the organization even if it is an exaggeration of how much I actually work on the theme and luckily nothing could be considered offensive. My improved cook stoves project is confirmed. A girl from another small town of my site came and presented the idea of doing another cook stoves project. I told her if she got the funding I would support her. It looks like there is a really good chance she will get the funding. That would mean 21 cook stoves for sure and perhaps another 21 if she gets funded (42). crap. That would be wonderful and stressful. We have had a bunch of meetings lately about the Parent School so that the planning and budget and roles and responsibilities are accurate and the project can happen without collapsing or being placed on my shoulders. It is promising, we finished the document today. I have been teaching a college prep course during the summer session which concluded this week with a visit to the Private University of Piura. It was an incredible experience I seriously felt like I was back in the states while I was on campus the quality of their materials, labs, professors, infraestructure, marketing material, and students was mind blowing. It made me want to go back and study. Except for then I thought about how I could not pass the GRE and thus no grad school still in the plans. Though I was looking at Cornell and Tufts just in case because they have a contract with the UN. I have been training more health promoters and counselling non functioning committees of Vaso de Leche. Two friends and I have started a nursery project with the goal that before I leave we will have planted at least 200 trees. So far 21 trees planted. I have been contributing with compost, bags, and had an engineer come to check the quality of our work. I sold all my guinea pigs because I really do not have time for them and the plan all along was to get them into the houses of families. Successful integration of breeding in 4 families. I have been emailing with a college professor from the CSU Nutrition program who says that I may be featured in the Department Newsletter. Talk about freaking publicity. BUT... No fear I am not over working myself I swear. I spend the weekends dancing and hanging out with friends. I am teaching one of my health promoters how to ride a bike and go to the river to swim at least once a week. And on tuesday I should be headed to a beach with the kids from my site to celebrate the end of summer school. That should explain why I have not gotten the chance to write though it is hardly excusable. I am more likely dying from the heat here than anything else. Everything is going I will be going to celebrate Carnival and taking a much needed vacation the first week of March. So if not sooner I will let you know more fun stories. K loves.