

Since my last post big things have been in the making. The old group of voluteers left the new group is swore in and gone to their sites. This week we are celebrating the half way mark of the second group in their one year conference. In the past few months I have been exploring more of Lima taking days at the sauna, trying out new restaurants, visiting beaches and different dance clubs. I finished my work at the Direction of Health and have begun to work for the Ministry of Development and Social inclusion whose work focuses on eradicating poverty, increasing gender equality, decreasing malnourishment, improving education and early childhood stimulation and giving an equal opportunity to succeed in this country to all its countrymen. It is a very exciting perspective full of great ideas and theories that we just have to figure out how to make work. When you are working in places like the jungle there are girls as young as 12 years old getting pregnant, in the mountains there is ridiculously high amounts of malnutrition people living above 14,000 ft with limited access to safe water, food, health and education services. Trying to resolve those sorts of issues and getting all of the different organizations governmental and non to work together in these common themes. Needless to say there is much work to be done each day I have worked there I spend 7 hours reading through countless documents attempting to get the hang of all the policies and processes and interventions that are in place and figure out how I am going to influence them. In mid October I traveled to the south a bit in Huancavelica to visit some volunteer's sites and run a training for the new volunteers. It was great to get back to the campo, covered in dirt and animal poop and working with community members. They have such a wonderful hospitality and sense of humor. When I got back from that trip Joel had his 7th professional MMA fight which he won! And to my surprise during his victory speech called me down to the ring and proposed marriage to me. I quite rosy cheeked tried not to fall down the flight of stairs to the ring and accepted. That weekend he then took me out for drinks at a trendy bar, dinner out on the pier and proposed again in a more private manner. We celebrated with champagne and dancing.  We are planning on having the first ceremony on a beach in southern Lima January 2014. Right now we are just enjoying the engagement and have time to plan a simple but definitely fun event. Sometime after in 2014 we will have a second ceremony in Colorado for all those who cannot make it down to Peru. I am still training 3 days a week and hopefully will have my first MMA fight in January I am going to compete in the National Wrestling Championship in January as well. In November I headed off to Arizona to spend time with my mom for a week Spaing and mediating on life and as usual getting silly and enjoying each others company. Thanks mom for a beautiful trip! I also shopped til I dropped but am now looking much more put together as I have transitioned from the juniors section to the woman section of the stores. Ekk! But it had to happen at some point and I now struggle much less in the mornings as I have so many options. I was also the maid of honor in my friends Karl and Theresa's Wedding. It was great to be a part of something that I schemed up 4 years ago when I set up my college roommate with my chemistry professor they thought it would never work and with a little insistence they are a great pair enjoying being newly weds. While I was in the states Joel when off to fight in a major event in South America in Paraguay where he won again! Though it was nice to be back for a visit I feel very comfortable with my life in Peru. It is most certainly challenging being far from family and friends but I feel a happiness and a sense of purpose here that I never felt in the states. They say the world may end on the 21st of this month so I would like to say I love you all with all my heart and soul. I appreciate so much the support you continue to give me in all that I do and all the influence that you guys had over the years shaping me into who I am. I wish to leave you with this reflection because if the world does not end what is undeniable is that the human race is using resources scandalously and consuming excessively everything. Be mindful and grateful for what you have because "If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in your bank, in your wallet, and some spare change you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. If you woke up this morning with health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. IF you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment and torture or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier than 500 million people living in suffering. If you can read this message you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all." As Christmas rolls around be thoughtful about what you truly need and all that you already have. If you do not want to donate to a cause http://donate.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=donate if not do some charity work but not just during the month of december but throughout the year. There is need everywhere. Helping people makes you happier. Merry xmas and a happy new year.


If only there were more hours in the day

Well thanks to my mother I realize now that I have not posted in almost two months. Sorry. I should really schedule it into my planner so that I get at least one post a month. So Lima life has been really busy. Starting where I left off. I did not get to go to Cajamarca because the conflicts while they improved did not get better soon enough. People are protesting that a new mine open because they fear it will contaminate their water. In other parts of the country the doctors and teachers are striking because they are not getting paid enough or on time. These strikes result in the shutting down of most institutions and sometimes highways. In Lima there have been transportation strikes which makes getting to work a nightmare. But none of that is really new its kind of a constant thing here. I have been training MMA three days a week I am in the best shape of my life and having a lot of fun lowering my stress. I have a lot of potential and am really quite good. I hope to start competing before the year is out. The hard part is finding girls to compete with but they are slowly but surly coming out of the wood work. Each class is a warm up, push ups, jumping jacks, crunchies, leaps, rolls, and running. Followed by 30 minutes of learning submission, boxing, kicking, take down or wrestling techniques and then 10 minutes of sparring at the end of the class. I have recently been gifted a new pair of muay thai boxing gloves from Thailand. There are super nice. At least once a week I work with a punching bag and the other days I work with a partner. I completed 6 months with my boyfriend Joel things are amazing and it is so interesting to get to see what a real and serious and functional relationship is like. These past months we have gone to quite a few fighting events, out dancing, to art and food festivals, to the beach, parades, to break dancing events, to china town and to museums. Things are going very well. Speaking of relationships Jordyn got married Congratulations and Liz and Cari are setting dates for their weddings as well. Who knows maybe I will be next... In work I have gotten a sort of promotion working with the Ministry of Health because I moved up a level in the office I am working at. Instead of writing interventions and monitoring tools I am now developing educational materials mostly related to nutrition and revising other materials that are being developed. I review for quality, easiness to understand, formatting, marketing appeal while also editing surveys and other evaluation tools. Of the materials I wrote they printed out 5,000 handouts of one, 2,000 trifold handouts of another and made 2,000 flip charts that will be used for education in parents and teachers as a means to prevent obesity, overweight and anemia in East Lima. It was so exciting to see something that I made turn into a material that would be distributed on a large scale. I went back to my site the end of August which was a nice time to see my host family and friends. Though it definitely feel like my life in Lima has outgrown my life in La Matanza. It is crazy to think that almost a year has passed and how much faster everything happens in big cities. Everything there remains the same, same parties, same drama, same people, same thing different day. It was sunshine, ceviche, dancing, sleep, eat, drink, repeat. Happy Birthday to Grams and Sally. I sent you something in the mail Grams not sure if it ever got to you but all the same miss you, love you heard you had an entertaining time. I will be sending your Bday and Xmas gifts with Mom in November. Keep your spunk on! The old volunteer group is heading out in November. While another group just arrived in September there are 29 new ones. For the moment we are managing about 80. Which is why I have not been able to catch up. For the old group we had a conference and have to see out all the paperwork before they leave, for the second group that almost completes a year we have to edit their reports, grants, visit and advise them and plan their mid service conference. For the new group we have to run trainings, plan trips, do interviews, set up sites and host families and socios, in general it is trying to remember a million things. And if that was not enough we are changing our program framework so we have been busy editing and writing and rewriting and evaluating the framework so that we can start implementing a more effective and reliable framework as of November. And then well I was offered my job again. No one presented for the position which put my boss in a sort of compromising situation because it would have implied that there not be a coordinator. So in a strange chain of events me and my best friend here who also works in Lima are staying on for 4th years. It was not a very challenging decision I am learning so much, computer skills, leadership skills, planning and evaluating skills, diplomacy (even if I rarely practice it). Professionally and personally I am maturing through the process. And well I am the momma hen for all my chicks that I have to take care of. So in general there has been a really positive response from my volunteers that have said that they are eternally grateful that I am not abandoning them. It is a truly special thing this position watching people grow up and face their struggles, find their patience, their peace, overcoming adversity, facing their fears, finding what it means to "develop" and what is "sustainable" or "effective."  How do you define "failure" or "success"? And maybe our failure is actually the catalyst for something bigger than we even imagined. Somewhere in all of it they find the new them and lose the parts that are better left behind. They do really change people's lives and contribute more than just a grain of rice. They discover that no one can change the world, that perhaps the world does not have to or want to be saved. That you can only help people who want to be helped and when it comes to behavior change every single person including themselves is almost impossible to change. That the change has to come from the community and community members and that the volunteer is just a step in the long term process that we consider progress.At the end they realize what was really important are the relationships and not the projects, the during and not the results, the effort and example and not perfection. So the story of Peru continues.  I am happy, after my yearly physical today I can say I am 100% healthy, I am exploring new talents. I hope you all wish me the best as I continue this journey. I bought a camera so I promise to start posting more pictures and I will be sure to get better about my blog. I love you all very much.


on the road again

Because as I had gotten back from Piura I unpacked only to repack my bags and go to Ancash to spend 10 days climbing around 10 different communities supervising volunteers working in the highlands of the Andes. I took what is supposedly voted one of the most dangerous roads in the world for ten hours on windy roads with a beautiful view of the highest mountain of Peru for the majority of the trip. It is incredible to see the dedication of volunteers in a zone where the community speaks the local dialect Quechua and they have had to learn a bit of that language or use translators to be able to work, where mothers are illiterate and have not completed elementary school. They face the challenges of altitude, harsh sun, freezing weather and isolation. But they are also seriously provoking development in these areas. I was waking up each day at 5 am to be able to catch the only transportation of the day up to these really remote towns, huffing and puffing with a lack of oxygen and getting wind chapped and sunburnt each day. I visited a kid whose site made me cry. It was just soo far out and he can only walk in and out 4 hours to get to the nearest city. Rough life. Then I had to hike off to the next towns at least an hour and a half with my backpack early in the mornings. Gorgeous scenery and inspired by the success that each of the volunteers have and their positive attitudes I could not even really feel the fatigue. But then I got literally 125 flea bites in one night and was suffering for the rest of the trip and accidentally left fleas in my friend's bed when I went to see her. In my last visit I saw the most unreal situation where people are still living in like 1920 and 80% of the population was chronically malnourished and had the hardest time fathoming how that sort of living situation could still exist. But the community was like 4 hours up and back completely isolated and the health worker commented that people slept with their pigs. It was the first time I saw what I considered to be even more extreme than extreme poverty. When I got back to Lima I started training 3 days a week learning Mixed Marcial Arts so I am in the best shape of my life possibly. My friend's grandparents came to visit so I had some lovely meals and took in some of the tourist attractions like getting to go to a place that does the traditional dances of Peru which made me wish that I could work there as a dancer. We had the most entertaining taxi ride where her grams was hitting on the driver and since she spoke a little spanish and her husband didnt she was flirting pretty shamelessly. She sang him songs and told the driver that my friend and I were dating the grandpa and she was single. The driver said her grandpa looked like Hue Heffner making us girls the playboy bunnies. The rest of the night her grandfather was speaking in Italian to my boyfriend who was trying to speak english and I kept translating everything in spanish. Somewhere lost in translation we learned a little of each language but we all enjoyed going salsa dancing together. Work is normal. Then out of the blue this girl that I used to do yoga with in Ft collins started working in Lima as a volunteer too. So we have been enjoying coffee dates and getting a new perspective on development as she did her service in Paraguay. Then I was back off to Trujillo to visit another volunteer got my hands dirty again working with cement and we got stuck walking 2 hours in rain down the mountain. Man sometimes I wonder how we make it through as volunteers we get inhumanly strong and nerves unshakable you see that all that matters at the end of the day is getting the job done, solve a problem and keep solving until it is fixed no second guessing yourself no wishing things were different. Within 48 hours back to Lima then off to vacations. I went to the Amazon Jungle for like a week we took a 10 hour boat ride deep into the Jungle where there were only 5 communities in total the majority with less than 100 people and house on stilts with palm tree roofs and no electricity. In the night time we would go looking for animals we saw sloths, monkies, pink dolphins, grey dolphins, crocodiles, countless birds, frogs, tarantulas and big bugs. It was incredibly relaxing and you completely disconnect from the outside world no cell phone service no stores. Taking showers in the river or in tropical rain storms hanging out in the hammock. We went hiking during the day and at night time with flash lights in search of wildlife. We saw the world's largest cockroaches. We drank water from tree roots we collect fruit and climbed up huge trees using electrician techniques we mucked through the mud and shin deep waters. During the day we would  We had to go fishing to get lunch and caught piranhas and other fish. You would have been proud Uncle Bill I taught a girl how to fish and she ended up catching more than anyone. She was surprised a city girl knew how to fish. I said it was the many trips and lessons you had given me. Happy Birthday! Getting back into the city we got to go to a butterfly farm, a monkey island where I got jumped on and bit not bad enough to break the skin but still crazy, we saw in the rescue center a jaguar and other wild cats plus I got to feed and touch manatees. It was a really beautiful trip and not too hot the food could have been better but we did harvest heart of palm and ate it in salads amazing that canned stuff does no justice. It was much needed relaxing. Now I am back in Lima with no serious plans to travel because my trip to Cajamarca was cancelled for the conflicts that are happening there hopefully I will be able to get out there in August to visit the volunteers everyone is safe but it makes working impossible as everyone is on strike and sometimes EVERYTHING is close highways, schools, health centers, municipalities, stores, everything. But on the big news front I did move into a new apartment the 5th and top floor with a sweet balcony and ocean view (sort of) and more space a lovely kitchen and a big comfy bed. It is such a better situation than the small room that was worse than mom's cave. so happy! well thats all for now back to work, training and probably not to far in the future more traveling. Be well. Have fun Uncle Bill glad to hear about the changes you have made.


I was traveling

Sorry friends for my abandonment of this blog. I have been busier than I could even want to explain and traveling perhaps too much. Ok so here it goes in more or less chronological order. I got back from Trujillo and started to Train health professionals here about how to talk about sex with youth and actually be entertaining enough to have teens listen to you and not make fun of you. It went over ridiculously well, which as you all know is surprising because my track record with trying to improve health professionals in this country had been kind of like getting punched in the teeth. BUT this time everyone was really receptive, asking questions, participating and really bright eyed and bushy tailed. I guess in Lima people realize that they need to be trained and that I am not threatening but rather a solution. It was awesome. On another positive note I had started dating a man named Joel the ultimate fighter I mentioned in the previous blog. More dates, dancing, traveling to beaches, conversations and loads of fun. Then IT was back to preparing for the next two major training events of the volunteers: logistics, making manuals, coordinating, budgeting and managing problems. Volunteers have been dropping out like flies I do not understand it but hey not everyone is committed. So rebounding from that negativity the team was loaded with responsibility because my boss went off to Europe for a month. And as it was Holy week here vacation was to be done I took my homage to my site to hang out with my host family and friends. It was really beautiful to get to finally get back to my roots and relax with people that treat me well and care for me. Lima is not a very cordial place. What can you expect it is a major city. So in my small town gossip got around that I was pregnant with my ex boyfriend's baby. So funny. It figures they would not have thought I would have come back. Good eats I think I ate like 5 to 6 meals a day and everyone kept commenting on how I was such a malnourished child now.  I have lost weight but how could you not if you stop eating 6 times a day. From Piura back to lima got to go to see a few fighting events Muay Thai and then a world boxing championship front row seats. Man there are benefits to knowing a person that can get you into these things for free. It was a scene straight off of ESPN literally they were there and Peru won so everyone went crazy. It is the first time there is a Peruvian male boxing world champion. SO exciting to watch. Then I headed back to Piura 2 weeks later for a technical training for the volunteers followed by me doing supervisions in the mountains. The roads were needless to say sketchy but the landscapes worthwhile and the people so nice. It was interesting to get to see how other volunteers are managing their projects and see the change they are provoking in these towns. Plus it served to help them better their techniques and organization. One of the girls told me I was like super nanny coming in a fixing all the problems and nice and that everyone cried when I had to leave. It was a great compliment and made me feel like this position I have could be rewarding. Then back to Lima for a week to celebrate my birthday I went to a yoga community on the northern beach of Lima with my boyfriend everything ecological and organic it was interesting they use solar energy. Food was soooo good pictures on facebook. Any who, 25 seems to be going alright so far. Nothing as extraordinary as I had anticipated but then again I thought my whole world would implode as I entered what I consider to be irrevocably adulthood. Shiver. Then I headed up north to do another supervision in Chiclayo I had to cross a river by foot it was pretty entertaining. My job is so far off the beaten path I literally have to beat the path just to figure out where my Volunteers are. Then up to my old site for the second round of technical trainings. I got the opportunity to work with the mayor and the municipality again helping them to do another improved cook stove project and the nutrition project we did last year. They will be working with another 100 malnourished kids using the same design I provided them last year. Sustainable! Yes! It was so hot I came back to Lima 4 shades darker and covered with mosquito bites. So where in all this traveling, stress and heavy lifting I sprained my back. So the last days of the training I was trying to get things done without being able to pick up more than 10 lbs. Sucked. Met up with a doctor and got some muscle relaxants and antiinflammatories. He told me to lay on a beach for 7 days. I laughed in his face. He made me promise some days in bed. I said I would try. Then back to Lima I did stay in bed for the good part of 3 days except for there was this awesome arts festival that closed down the streets of Lima and covered the street with artwork from all over the country and on the buildings they played movies and light shows there was an electronic concert so I had to dance a little. Or a lot. It was incredible to be able to be dancing in a street that normally I am trying not to get smashed by a combi or a taxi. It would be like closing down the streets of new york city. So fun and interesting. This week I have been working half days so that my back can get better faster and realistically because my brain was starting to explode from the pressure of time constraints and seat belts. Next week, I am off to do supervisions for 9 days in the Andes of Ancash. Ancash is probably the most beautiful department of all of Ancash. After may finishes I should be much calmer and staying in Lima or traveling for VACATION instead of WORK. But hey I did say I wanted a job that pays me to travel and it is what I got. Thank you universe. Also Happy Mothers Day and I love you grams thanks to you and my mother for making me stubborn, independent, confident, resilient and trail blazing. I am out here doing good things for people who truly need it because of the influence you have on me. Love you both dearly and carry you with me where I go. And also congrats to Cari she is now engaged to her long time boyfriend. Guess that leaves well just me...



So work is going well, if non stop busy but great. In my one job we just finished a training with the volunteers where I got one good beach day in and it was so funny because my friend spent it throwing dead fish at me I told her how dangerous and unhygienic it is but well hygiene is not her finer suit. In which case I thought that I had found a dead crab and picked it up and was mocking her with it when I realized it was still alive and shaking its claws at her as well. One the day we arrived there was also some random event about how we should take care of the ocean and they had this sort of aerobic latin dance class outside and there was a huge crowd of people watching and we could not help ourselves so we jumped in a sweated off all the salt and sunscreen. Then we spent three days inside training and escaping to sun bathe at every chance we could. I got to do some activities and presentations and felt really confident about the abilities that I have to train. It was interesting getting to know the new group of workers and see how their first months are going in their sites and how emotion those first months can be. Then there was a bunch of drama in another area and it is still unresolved so as usual it feels like we are constantly juggling like a 100 balls high in the air at the same time and hoping that none falls. As we wrapped up a successful event we already have to have the next one ready which will be happening next month but all the budgets and plans have to be turned in 6 weeks in advance. There is no procrastination. Boo. As a result of the stress and perhaps the changes in my sleep schedule and eating habits I got sick at on the third day of training with bacterial pharyngitis. Ill terrible and forced to sleep for like 2 days straight and take antibiotics. Lets see in my other job we have completely revamped the way that they are doing health promotion and standardized their interventions that they do in schools and the work they are doing with families. It is incredible but has required a lot of making documents and lesson plans and educative materials. So necessary. These past weeks and upcoming 2 involve trainings of a long list of people on how to use these tools and techniques that I have brought some of which I have personally developed. If this works I will be able to feel personally responsible for having provoked changes in statistics. I have been dancing quite a bit which has reduce my stress levels immensely not to mention that I met an ultimate fighter that has his own gym and I have been training with him. He says that I hit harder than any girl he has ever trained with and if I could dedicate 3 days a week in the gym that I would be able to get good enough to compete which I would LOVE but doubt that I have the time considering next month and all the following months I will be traveling two weeks out of each month. Those types of interruptions make it impossible to stay up to shape and develop a solid technique and endurance, so no worries I will not be getting beat up. It was probably the first time I have worked out in over 2 years and I literally left pools of sweat. Talk about cleansing. However, I think that if I would work out regularly and get a more regular eating habit my immune system would get better. I really cannot afford to be sick all the time. It makes you work at half speed. There are fun concerts to go to here and summer still means beach visits on the weekends. There is quite a bit to be explored in terms of cultural events and architecture, history and anthropology in Lima and right outside of the city there are many places to explore. Although I have yet to do much I am thinking that perhaps if I schedule it in each weekend I will be able to experience a bunch more. Optimistic and living life the the fullest. I would like to congratulate my friend Molly Pond on her recent marriage and send my wishes of joy and fulfillment in the new stage of your life. love yall.



Well last year it was paint fights this year was a bit different we went to Huancavelica it was a very sad place if you ask me. It was freezing they had hot springs that did not were not even hot and rain and we would go to bed at like 8 pm because it would just be too cold to stay out. We had specifically come to this place as a means to participate in their traditional carnaval celebration only to arrive and find out that because of the rains they had recently had the celebration had been canceled. Mind you I thought that was impossible to have happen because it is like sacred party season. So my friend Emma and I decided to travel to another small town even higher up on a windy road. This department was know for being one of the coldest and highest at 3800 meters above the sea. And you definitely feel it walking up a hill as you begin to sweat profusely and your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. So we are on this road to this small town and I am figuring that it is going to be rainy because we are in the rainy season but as we pass through these windy hillsides full of llamas it starts to SNOW. It is the first time I have seen snow in all my travels and I start laughing because neither of us have brought clothes for this kind of weather. We get there and have a lovely meal at the gastronomic fair they are having and then hang out in the plaza waiting for the parades to start. People are throwing buckets of water and water balloons and flour all over the place. Within an hour we are drenched in both and surely able to make cookies later with our coatings. Then there is the rain and dancing in the rain and hours of singing and dancing and merriment in the streets. There is a tradition where a group of people dance around a tree that is strung up with prizes and each couple gets a chance to chop it down and then everyone runs in and rips off all the prizes it is questionably dangerous but super fun to watch. By 8 pm we are once again in bed trying not to freeze to death. It proceeds to rain all through the night which means we had to leave because if it kept raining the roads would have been in too bad of shape to travel out on. We are in the car and the road that yesterday was smooth and in good shape is now filled with huge pot holes and slippery. We get to a tunnel and the mud is shin deep the car slips and we have the front right tire hanging over the cliff, you could feel the balancing point I swing open the door and my friend is literally on my lap trying to jump out I grab her because otherwise the shift in weight would have made the car go over. I have never been so terrified she begins to cry I am laughing as a nervous reaction. We make it down fine though shaken. We go to a different department called Huancayo to be able to avoid the risk of landslides on the roads blocking us into Huancavelica. It is raining again but we are on highway so no big deal. There is this beautiful park we spend the afternoon at it taking pics and then try on the traditional wear. After dinner we run into a Marinera dance competition of adults and youth. Amazing to watch. The following day we take a tour of the surrounding towns some ruins, a lagoon, and pass through some towns that are celebrating carnaval there is a huaylas dance competition so the majority of people are dressed out in these elaborately sewen with bright yarn of greens, yellows, and hot pinks. We visit an archeology museum and drink out of some supposed fountain of youth. Then it is back to Lima I moved into my own room now it is nice to have my own space decorated my own way and more than anything my own bed. Work is in full madness as we have one training after another coming up session planning, budgeting, coordinating, buying and organizing the necessary materials. And in my other job in San Juan de Lurigancho we are planning their work for the year in health promotion which entails designing the sessions or intervention they will being doing in schools and getting their people trained on a more effective style of teaching as well as developing monitoring and evaluation tools for their healthy families projects. Even though my vacation was not the best I have ever had it was still a good time to get some perspective on life and to give my brain a break. I will be trying to dedicate more time to myself reading books I like and building some friendships I started exercising again trying to get ready for this Mixed Martial Arts class I would like to take but realistically I am so out of shape right now for that, not overweight but just no endurance and pretty little strength since I almost never workout in this country. It felt great training the other day even though I am still sore. Long way to go. Perhaps at the end of March I will be able to start those classes. I am a bit sick right now so I spent all day doing nothing. It was nice actually. I think I will have at least one day each month of not working or doing chores or doing necessarily anything or leaving the house just me my bed, pjs, books, naps and snacks. Tomorrow I think I am going to try Parasailing or something of that sort. That's all for now.


Life in Lima

Well it has certainly been a large changing living here in Lima, everything is faster, noisier, lots of traffic, contamination, filth and people are not so kindly as they were in the countryside. The days at work here require punctuality and having to work on the computer all day long. There are constant deadlines and upcoming events. But so far I think I a fairing pretty well, I found a cute apartment that is nearby a bunch of parks and on the bus lines to get to work. I have been editing and reviewing grants that will soon be funded, read through and given advice to volunteers on their work progress, done phone interviews, and a constant flow of developing materials for trainings that will be held next month. It is a lot of emails, answering questions, providing resources, getting people in touch with the right people, and making critiques. All around I feel confident in my abilities and am doing a pretty good job. Then I also have to work 2 days a week in a district that has 1 million people high rates of HIV, Tuberculosis, Anemia, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, etc. My work there I feel is more useful because if I succeed with only 1% of the population I have the opportunity to affect 10,000 people. Anyways, I work as a consultant for the in charges of all the health posts and centers on health promotion. It entails me going to meetings, evaluating their policies and promotion programs or techniques and giving suggestions on how to change their formats and trainings to be more effective. I am very hopeful with the work because I am working at an administrative and management level of the health system and whatever suggestions I have made thus far have been ready accepted and implemented. So basically up until now my whole life is work long hours, coming home fairly brain dead and exhausted but feeling still satisfied with what I am doing because I sincerely believe it is changing a much larger percentage of people's lives. The work that I do with the volunteers allows me to influence and improve the work that they are doing and that means that I have influence over up to 60 communities and in terms of the other job I am doing well that is the largest district in all of latin america so I would say things are definitely stepping up. I feel happy with the relationship so far with my boss in the office I can tell that she purposefully gives me certain responsibilities as a means to develop me further as a professional. My social life is slowly developing itself yet there is little time that I can or want to dedicate to going out I hope to find some cultural events to attend. Though on the weekends my roommate and I have made it to the beach every week as a means to sunbathe and relax and read books. And soon we will be headed to celebrate carnaval in a different department called Huancavelica. It seems so weird to me that within an hour you can be in a place of such dire poverty and an hour in the other direction you are in million dollar apartment facilities. Or in the beach towns it is a million dollar home on one side of the highway and a shanty house on the other side of the highway. It is so frustrating to see this inequality I cannot imagine how it makes those people that are living in poverty feel. Anywho, seems like it will be a year of personal and more so professional development there are many trips and vacations and concerts planned for the future. These first months I think have just been a big adapting phase. But a good news was I received a phone call from my old town and they are continuing this year the nutrition project I designed and implemented last year so there is still hope that the southern part of my old district will recover all the malnourished kids. I am so proud. Things I have to say are going really well and challenging without a doubt but so worth while. Hope all is well.


months later

Opps, well terribly sorry that I have not written in months but life has been crazy out of control so backing up a bit. I finished my nutrition project which was a huge success in terms of being able to recover malnourished children in the short period of four months i can only hope that these improvements continue for the rest of those children's lives. There were significant improvements in children's heights, reactiveness, and overall immune system. The last month in site was a lot of meetings and presentations about the work that I had done and the recommendations for the future work that needs to be done in my site. In short summary-
November: lots of work and meetings, closing of projects, running another training for the new volunteers in my site, my town's anniversary and all the events of the month that entails, lots of dancing and partying and saying goodbye and only tears the last day that I was leaving because that was what we had all agreed upon.
December: move to lima, start training for my new job, week long meeting with one of the groups of volunteers, just trying to get a grasp of what an office job is like, working on a computer the majority of the day, learning the ropes of new computer programs, getting to know my new office companions, and then going back to the states, xmas with my mom and grams in baltimore.
January: Went to colorado for new years, concerts, 2 new tattoos, endless coffee and visits with all the old partners in crime, some amount of drama, good movies and eats. Return to peru to officially begin job. Yesterday moved into my new apt which is small but nice and cheap and has everything included in a really safe and calm neighborhood and lots of plants all over the place. Soooo happy that we got that all worked out. Went to meet with my country partner organization where i will be working sort of like a health administrator evaluating their current health promotion activities and techniques and making them better and training people and developing better systems it is a place that manages 1 million people and is the largest district in all of peru, if I can succeed with anything there it could make a huge different in the lives of thousands. Very big opportunity. This whole year really seems like such a big opportunity.
Now that is all caught up... It was the most gratifying experience of my life these last two years. I think I have matured quite a bit and got a lot out if it many people asked me how I had changed and to put it into words on the spot was difficult so I will instead share a journal entry of mine from November that I feel captures everything I could have possibly wanted to express:
2 weeks notice is usually what one gives to their job when they are quitting or leaving. 2 weeks has always been more than sufficient time to wrap up work, say insincere goodbyes, eat cake and pack up. I keep hearing el mundo da vueltas, but for me it feels a lot closer to what goes around comes around. As I begin the anxiety attack of the year, I cannot seem to grasp the idea that this bed, this room, this image, this importance, this richness in poverty, this lifestyle is all about to come to an abrupt halt. I was so terrified and bitter when I first came here and then there was the honeymoon phase, then survival, suffering, hopeless abandonment, surrender, and success, currently passing thru bitter soon to return to the honeymoon. Saying goodbye is heart wrenching this time. These two years have been eternally short. The days were long and sometimes in the stagnant heat and relentless sun I swore that time stubbornly stood still and bathed in the luxury of its own pace. But now I am watching them fly and wishing there were more or that this did not have to end in tears of relief, regret, rejoice, and relinquishment. As is always expected the next chapter and end to the previous is inevitably uncomfortable, because it is unknown. Yet I think about the future and only arrive to a blur, a load of unclear figures and places, And for the first time I have passed 2 years filled with memories that are crystal clear and I do not feel like I need to photograph everything I find endearing. Because the most beautiful moments are seared into my memory. The things that truly matter were feelings. These years have shown me so many other emotions I never previously experienced fury, rage, embarassment, shame, vengence, depression, happiness, excitement, regret, acceptance, failure, perseverance, stress, exhaustion, longing, love, hate, faith, and grace. I giggled at the idea that in my final report meeting people wanted forgiveness for the way they had mistreated me. I thought this was not the appropriate moment but then again there really never is. The only inappropriate apology is one that never comes. Then they all thanked and congratulated me for the achievements and advancements I had in and for La Matanza. I felt so proud that what I had done was profound enough to merit both verbal and written recognition from the authorities of my town. It was such a strange sensation of insufficiency. They made it clear there was no way to actually thank me for all that I had done, And at the same time the situation made it impossible to even begin to trying to explain what they had done for me as well. Even all the hardships, criticisms and what I felt were cruelties I would not take them back for a second I wanted to thank them for having shaped and defined me as a person and a professional. Joel mentioned the first day that we met and I though how different things are now. How much we have done, changed, and different. La Matanza cleanier and prettier. Me skinner, tanner, a little older, a little smoother and also a little more tough. I learned the importance of a feminine touch yet never lost the calluses on my hands. It was the first time in too long to remember that I found peace with food and fatness and fitness. Eating fried foods 3 times a day and not wincing or feeling guilty. I lost weight without hours of sweat filled exhertion and calorier control. I learned to drink beer and not fear filth and germs. I embraced that I probably ate or was covered in poop the majority of the time. I learned to smile and laugh when you really feel like yelling or crying. That frustration is not a productive emotion for anyone. That patience and calmness get things done more quickly. That a good meal and conversation values in at a good days at work and payday. I learned when you do not have money you do not have to worry about money and that poor people are much happier than rich people. That respect and kindness are tools for understanding and that differences in age, race, ethnicity, education, economics, and politics can all fade into the background and be completely insignificant in the face of humankind. The best things do not come easily or quickly. When you rush things they fall apart. Even when you want to trust everyone you cannot; someone will betray you and some people will always want to do you harm. Always better to come early and prepared rather than punctual and screwed. Relentlessness is the middle name of progress. I laughed in that meeting because it was the first time I present the same ideas I have presented for a long time, and knew that I was listened to instead of just being heard. And that these insights would be used to make relevant decisions that would decide and shape the future of this community. It was the moment after proving that one person can truly make a difference and change the world that the looks in their eyes made me believe it as well. After so much sweat, blood and tears those seconds of sweet certainty convinced me it had all been worth it in a mutual benefit. They mayor said he felt satisfied knowing they had taken advantage of the opportunity that I had presented them. And I knew that I too took everyday to do something usually for others but occasionally for myself to selfishly satisfy my curious nature and love of trying or learning new things. I left with a greater appreciation for how beautiful life can be and enjoying each moment more. With a better understanding of the importance of challenging times in the story of life. I left more mature, less naive, faithful to the fact that making mistakes is not failure and that my world does not make the world turn. It could be my happiness or sadness but the sun will rise and set. Somehow in the midst of being a spectator sport I felt the liberty to screw up and let go and retreat or fight. With all eyes watching and ears listening and mouths ready to slur slanderous truths in the form of lies. And that nothing done would be left to lie quietly. But this demanding presence only resulted in my own sureness to such an extent that I felt relaxed even in the face of scrutany and interogations, I got to the point that hearsay really meant say what you heard plus a little more. Oh but did being held accountable shipshape my ass up. Now each time before I go to do something silly I think the three seconds before instead of the three seconds after. And also have 2 solutions to every potential problem. I learned it was much easier to manipulate people into some form of mind control whenever they were convinced they liked you. I learned that anything is possible, first one must have it clear in mind and put the intentions into the universe and be alert to the signs of opportunities and then fight like hell until you are panting with exaultation. And never once doubt that it will happen or that you can make it happen. Through this one can achieve anything. Nothing is easy but not is impossible no matter how improbable. I learned to ask for forgiveness even at the cost of my pride and also how to forgive and accept apologies. I learned to be grateful for everything but in particular when someone is kind. And to have fun, so much fund as much as possible.I think I met the girl I always knew I could be. I got the opportunity to use my work talents not so much to be productive but rather to benefit the common good. I realized that what motivates me is work itself, better when it is a theme I am passionate about but that money is irrelevant to my life and joy. I can just be calm knowing that I have enough of it. The reflection overall of the experience is that the world does not need to be saved it just needs to be adjusted. This is also true about most of our lives. In whichever moment we believed things to be terrible an attitude adjustment is usually all it takes to get moving in the right direction. I feel people should be obliged to offer everything they have to give because these people have had to survive things that we will never know. The world is sometimes very bitter or angry with the way the global economy has evolved. And they should be it is completely unfair that anyone can drink and eat while others starve and die of thrist. It is just plain selfish. Even If people in the third world get to study at the university they will never make enough money to pull their family out of poverty. The other countries do not have the luxury to live on dreams. The live on back breaking labor until they die, and the first world ignores that all people are just people with the same needs.
Thank you so much to everyone I love and who has supported me and continues to support me I now have regular internet so I will be able to be more diligent about blogging and keeping up on facebook. this year promises many things to all of us,
love you so much.