

This week was full of dancing, music, hugging, and gifting. I celebrated with the staff at the health center and with my dance group on Monday. Tuesday was the graduation of the high school. I danced with the directors, professors, and students alike. It was very fun to see so many kids completing this chapter of their lives and moving on to hopefully something bigger and better. I could not help but think about all of our graduation parties past. The difference is that everyone parties together instead of having individual parties. Wednesday and Thursday I participated in these events where you visit a smaller poorer community and give toys, hot chocolate, and fruit cake. Play with the kids or put on a little show about Christmas. Then there was Christmas Eve which during the day has no celebration until midnight. We put the baby Jesus in his crib and then everyone hugs and kisses. Followed by a turkey dinner (Which I saw killed earlier in the morning and lived in my backyard) and we gave gifts. I went to a baptism party and danced until the wee hours of the morning. Christmas day I passed working with my garden and took a trip with some family to the river nearby. I helped teach some girls how to swim. It was so relaxing laying in the ebb and flow of the current. At night another secret santa party with a youth group. Today I decided to return to the river to be one with nature and get in touch with the flow of my life. The pressure is so much less when you ride with the current than when you ride against it. It was definately a challenge spending my first Christmas away from my family. But all difficult times pass and we have to remember that the challenges contribute to our character and are necessary to reach joy. I can only hope that you all had a lovely holiday with your near and dear. I am so grateful to have all of you in my life. Your support keeps me going through the tough and rough. Even though we are far apart you are all still a major part of my life. With love.



This past week I finished with the improved cooking stoves project. Thank goodness because it was almost the death of me. Very physically demanding and a pain to coordinate. The community garden is completing its planting today. I think it is just in the knick of time. The raining season is definately coming. On an exciting note the first plants are already popping up. I love when you can see progress. I have being interviewing the authorities and members of my community to try to determine what the main issues are here. Looks like malnutrition, diabetes, alcoholism, domestic violence, unplanned pregnancy, and unemployment. Some of these I feel qualified to conquer the others I suppose everyone will learn together. I also started teaching yoga this week which is great because my practice has been sort of inconsistent. There appears to be a decent amount of interest. This week will be all about christmas. I have a bunch of secret santa parties. I think that it will be a rather enjoyable holiday it appears that everything is the same as in the states except there is no snow and that something similiar to fruit cake is not only very popular but desirable. I am working on finding friendships and solidifying my work here. I found out today that I am apparently much more socialable than the previous volunteer but there will likely be down falls to that. I have to be careful on the differences in gender roles and how friendships function here. This is definately a conservative society and we are just a bunch of crazy liberals in the states. Things that I would never have thought about are a big deal. So I keep dancing and keep planting seeds literally and figuratively. Mostly about how women can do things too, that punctuality is important, that it is possible to set and achieve goals in the future, and the hard work and planning pays off. I will write again to tell stories about the holiday week of adventures. I love you all and merry chirstmas.



Is not just the sound that a sheep makes but also one that I make as well. Every other day is good, I do feel like there is a great amount of difference to be made if only in opening up opportunities for the youth that have completed their education but do not have a lot of job options. I am going to try to help with small business development.I have lost 8 lbs or probably more now. Combination of stress, physical labor, using my body as a means of transportation, and constant sweating. I have been sick again with quicker recovery time. I am going to perform in a parade tomorrow in the captial city with the dance group. I am excited and scared but in the good rollercoaster way. I think that my celebrity is decreasing which makes living here much easier. I have had a few really educated and encouraging conversations with members of my community in which I think I have some allies. This is an incredible opportunity. Immensely challenging but I suppose that I would not have it any other way. I am going to try these upcoming weeks to solidify some friendships though I rarely feel alone here. It is great because somehow I am communicating on a deeper level or maybe I have just gotten completely shameless. But there are definately some serious discussions about cultures, values, and beliefs going on. I am not sure if anyone has it right but I strongly believe that we are just creatures of our upbringing and if you can rebel against that then you are truely unique. And it is impossible to know you are unique within your own culture. And no one can know they are unique until they are seperated from their own society or an outsider comes in with a fresh perspective. Off to go plant some seeds, hopefully it is symbolic of growth and prosperity in the future.


Oh My God!

Well I have been a busy bee. My site is attempting to kill me I think. The constant stress and sweating has resulted in an eight pound weight loss. I can't see it so it is probably just water. But not the less very impressive. I organized a World's AIDS day parade in which about 60 kids frolicked about the streets one dressed as a condom the rest had signs with sweet phrases. I had them all wearing the red ribbon. It was fun but a little too hot. Then I gave a talk about the mechanism of HIV within the body. I got another box of books for the library. I built two improved cooking stoves. Started a community garden and performed dance show at another town's anniversary party. My head is spinning and sometimes I feel incredibly overwhelmed and other times I think that it is very impressive I have made such progress. I realize that some people just want to learn English from me. Which is not a problem but also does not feel like a priority for me either. I am frequently riding around on my bike like a mad woman. I love zeek. Let's see I giggle because the traffic in my town is a combination of sheep, cows, goats, and dogs. People are learning that women are equal to men in strength, construction ability, and management. If I do nothing else I hope to demonstrate this fact. That women can do hard labor or physical things. That not all women need to be treated like we are delicate. I feel my work really happens in the time that I pass with people and the conversations I have. My family is still lovely they keep telling me that I need to slow down and rest. I am in agreement but we all know that my workaholic attitude tends to get the best of me. I joined a dance team and will continue performing with them in the future. I am certainly learning that stage fright is ridiculous. Everyone calls me doll. I suppose dollface has always been a nickname. It appears there are big and exciting things happening in every one's lives. Please keep me updated I love knowing what is going on and celebrating your successes. With love.


My first work week

I got sick for the first time spent a night with diarrhea followed by a morning of vomiting followed by more diarrhea, fever, chills, headache, fatigue, with more diarrhea and vomiting. Bacterial infection got on antibiotics much better now. Perhaps someday you will all have the pleasure of realizing how much solid poop is a joy in life. I graduated from training quite the emotional day. We had to say goodbye to our host families, our trainers, and our new friends all at once. Then pack up and get on the next 16 hour bus ride. The municipality came and took me personally from my capital city to my new home.That made me feel really important but I find myself passing a majority of my time with some sort of official. I found out it is over 100 degrees farenheit everyday here. Consequently, I am sweating frequently especially because I walk or ride my bike everywhere. I think Zeek is a good name for him. Definately a boy it is a mountain bike really tough for the rugged turraine. I organized a parade for World´s Aids day, December 1st. I am building improved cooking stoves next week as well. I am helping out in the library, and soon will be teaching English combined with self esteem and higiene during summer school. I have to start interviewing the community to determine what themes I should be working with. Anywho, the first week was very busy followed by one nervous breakdown on Thanksgiving. I feel it was well earned considering I had yet to cry since arriving to Peru. It is sad to be away from family and friends especially during the holidays and especially when everyone around me keeps asking if I love my family because I moved so far away. The answer is I am constantly thinking about all of you. Plus your pictures are plastered on my wall for inspiration.I am enjoying my new family however. They are immensely great people and kind. I think I now have 5 families in my life. So this week was the Aniversary of my town which is a big deal here. So yesterday I went to Mass, watched the parade from the VIP stand with all the authorities of my town, then there was a speech about all the projects that have been realized in 2009, lunch, then dancing and drinking with the priest, nuns, the directors of the schools, the presidents of clubs, and the Govenor. It was incredible, I of course won brownie points with my sweet dance moves. Today the parties continued as it was the birthday of our health center. More dancing and drinking with the doctors, mayor, nurses, and health technicians. Unfortunately, there is only loads of beer and this other drink called chicha which is kind of like corn beer but strong. Still hate beer by the way, but it is a right of passage to be a part of drinking circles here. Not to mention eating large portions of meat which my stomach is still uncertain how to digest. I never know exactly what meat I am eating and I suppose it does not matter it is just funny to me because I do not want to eat any meat. Also today there was a soup in which the women to my right had a quarter of the head of a pig and to my left half of the stomach and bowels. I lucked out and had the vegetarian portion, containing no actual vegetables. I am curious if this is how it always is here or if it is just because it is the aniversary. I guess I will figure that fact out next week. Everyone askings me if i am accustomed to living here. In my opinion it is a ridiculous question because no one can be used living anywhere in 3 days. I think since everything in my life is at lightening speed so will my adaptation. I am hoping within the month my spanish, my attitude, my understanding of culture and the organizations will be up to par. I hope to be able to do my laundry without help (no laundry machines here), to make friends, and have a solid work plan. I realize that is ambitious but well if I want to get shit done I need to feel competent as a human first. And so begins the next big change, the previous guy told me that I will get hit by the bus so many times and stand back up that eventually I will realize I am stronger than the bus. I am looking at this quote as a warning but also as an inspiration. I know I am strong but this experience is certainly a test physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here´s to giggling at your own sense of humor. (In my case laughing at myself and at things that are not really funny at all) Cheers. And a tardie Happy Turkey day.


Fish out of Water

We went on another training 17 hour bus ride. At the site I got to dig a mini landfill, teach a class on self esteem, hang out with pigs, do house visits, create a radio spot, help build a community garden. I took my first bucket bath, not so bad. I realize I will have many problems with bugs as I have gotten bitten so many times my legs are just hopeless. I also got stung by a bee in my pants random. At another point there were ants in my pants luckiy I was not wearing them. I met my site that I will be living in for the next two years. It is an overwhelming experience. I have multiple schools with about 500 students in each school. I have had to make two speeches in front of no less than 600 people. I met the mayor, governer, advisors to the mayor, and justice of the peace. I have met the health center staff doctor, nurse, technicians, and pharmacists. I have met professors and directors of schools. I have met my new host family. I have a nice home with a bathroom, shower, running water and electicity. My family also raises turkeys so we are not lacking in that category. We have chickens as well. I live by a loud speaker which is the only downfall because at 545 on the dot the annoucements for the day begin a full blast into my bedroom for at least an hour. I have cell phone service and am close to the internet. I basically live in a city that is more or less in a dry forest/desert. The sun is strong, the heat is intense. I sweat pretty much all the time. I will be able to have a bike so that is really exciting as I miss my bike at home. I still have to figure out exactly where everything is in my town and meet a boat load of people. I also need to set up my room. It appears I will begin working from day one which is not common. But the guy before me worked hard and accomplished a lot. The standards are high and I am going to do my best to match it. This is honestly not what I had in my mind because it is so much larger than I expected. But I will be a much better public speaker when all is said and done. My spanish has received complements but I need to build my vocabulary. I feel immensely supported by my community but slightly intimidated. I will be leaving to resume training for one more week and then I am official. These past few months have flown by and I can only hope that I have all the skills I will need to survive, no thrive. Just keep breathing and meeting new people I suppose is the best way to manage.



Ok so I went on this trip to get work training and it was incredible and interesting. It completely rejuvenated me about my decision to do this for the next few years. So anyways we took an 8 hour bus ride on this super sweet ride through the country side. It was gorgeous and it actually did not suck at all. Which is important that buses are rides in style here because chances are I will have to ride for 20 or more hours at some point. That all depends on my site. But any who so we arrived late slept in a hostel woke up traveled to a small town at the base of the tallest mountain in Peru. Unfortunately, I was not able to see it because of cloud coverage but it was like you could feel its greatness. I built a latrine, and ate cuy (guinea pig). Tastes like chicken it is just much more work because of the small bone structure and minimal meat. Did home visits about early childhood stimulation and got to better know my co-workers. The next day we went to a different small town and learned how to build improved cooking stoves. It was a get dirty kind of week with lots of hands on work. So happy to get back to construction. The last day we worked with kids building pinatas and interviewing the community. I definitely feel better prepared now. I find out this week where I will be staying for the next two years. I will miss my host family because they have been amazingly warm, but I am getting used to goodbyes. This experience is going to be challenging and demanding but totally worthwhile. And this country is beautiful on so many different levels. I missed Halloween because we were traveling back on a bus to our homes. No worries though because yesterday I was able to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. It is all about paying respect to the dead and spending time in a cemetery. It is something that I think everyone should do. I also ate cow heart off a street cart and did not get sick. My body has done me quite well I hope my health stays in the positive. Because many other people have not been so lucky. And for now that will have to suffice as I would love to sleep. Tomorrow I am teaching English in a middle school. Hopefully the kids do not eat me alive. It has been a strange ride so far I keep learning new things. One day at a time, one new encounter at a time.


Ask and you shall receive

So this week I introduce pictures not many but some is better than none right. I also would like to mourn the loss of a long battle. Yes to all you who have been trying for years to get me to join I did, I officially sold out. If you do not know what that means than it is not relevant. I can be all your friends now, ha. Anyways, this past week was the celebration of many birthdays. Monday we went to celebrate a coworker’s birthday with lots of dancing and laughter. Then Tuesday was my cousin´s birthday so I sat and was able to be socially gracefully, I impressed myself. I am making progress in the language and culture category. Plus I feel that I am apart of my host family which is amazing. Then Thursday we went to visit these day cares which were impeccably organized and clean. Plus I got to try blood donuts truly delicious. As if there were not enough kids, back to volunteering at the library that afternoon. Friday we had a health fair in which I taught about how to make baby food and the diet of a small child to a group of mother´s. That day was my mom´s birthday as well so it was yet another gathering of the family at our house. Picture included. Saturday I went to the university and learned about how to raise guinea pigs. Oh yes I would like to have like 1,000 and be the queen of the guinea pigs. By the way they are top quality in the ratio of protein and low fat per square inch. Hoping to eat one soon. Plus they make leather out of the skin too. Food and fashion can´t get better than that. Attended a 1 year old birthday party which is organized chaos of confetti, clowns, candy, cake, children no batteries included. Went to bed early. Spent Sunday doing laundry and exploring the nearby city watched a traditional dance competition tried some local fruit and the ceviche which is world renowned. Actually felt relaxed for the first time in a while. I really need to utilize free time. Did some yoga yesterday and tomorrow we are off to get our hands dirty with training in the communities. I will miss Halloween but no worries I am sure the bus ride will be a great time. Sunday is another birthday party and also Dia de los Muertos. I will explain that holiday in the next edition. Plus other the other exciting adventures of this week. Love you all.


Oh Man

On Monday I went to an amazing and large concert ran around with my co-worker´s families, danced, and realized how much I love the outfits performers wear here. Glitter, boy shorts, and go go boots can´t beat them, however I unfortunately do not think I can join them either. I will put it on the list of aspirations to be glamorous. So I would like to say that my life is full of unexpected and every time
I think I have any idea of what is unexpected something greater occurs.
Like yesterday I spent hiking up a mountain of a neighborhood trying to
track down some guy who recovered from TB, interviewed him about his living conditions and habits, checked out his tin and wood shack. The man is in his late sixities and has better joints than I do. Then hung out in a health post, visited a soup kitchen, tried not to fall down the hill or get eaten by dogs. Got to the bottom of one mountain only to run up the hill that I live on to inhale lunch to run back down. Gave another presentation at lightening speed. Ate a whole bag of jelly beans thanks mom. Felt wired for the rest of the day. Played with a group of children at the library. Learned that being white is cool but being tall and white is more impressive after watching the kids go crazy with another co-worker that is 6 ft 4 inches. But today you see trumped any cup of coffee which mind you I did not have this morning. When I found myself shadowing a health professional and sitting in on a pelvic exam. Then headed over to the other departments. Certainly less intrusive. The weekend was relaxing on Friday. Clubbing again on Saturday until five in the morning. The joke here is that it is always early. One am is early to go out five am is early to be out and 8 am is just early in the morning. Whereas nothing actually runs even on time here. Early is my new personal joke. I am indulging in the local festivals especially food. And October is the birthday month which is sweet quite literally I get cake and get to dance all the time. It is the life, I officially made it. ha. On the other hand (I cannot effectively use transitions in Spanish but I can in English) work is getting more demanding we spend a lot of time in the communities getting our hands dirty and what not. We are going to have over night field trips soon and then I will know where my next two years will be... super exciting mostly nerve wrecking but I think I will get to work with an HIV/AIDS initiative so that I will be better prepared for my aspirations to go to Africa in the future. Oh the future keeps coming so quickly watch out!


Train Keeps on a Rolling

So adventures in summation I have official made my first local friend. I accidentally attended the viewing of a really famous singer who died last week. There was great music playing outside the National Museum for 24 hours. The floral displays were to die for ha. And I have gotten one step closer to my goal of attending a baptism, a quinceneria, a wedding, and a funeral. I have time though and I believe a wedding in the next week. Any who I later went to a stone beach and relaxed in the fresh air. Returned home showered ate went to a fiesta followed by clubbing with my cousin´s and mom until 5 a.m. Literally I do not think that people sleep here. On Monday I went to another concert outside great music dancing meeting more people. Trying my best to integrate. With some amount of success, I have improved my Spanish (which I suppose is a given). Working my way to advanced. I still run around like a crazy person with my schedule. You know you are in trouble when you have to schedule yourself into your schedule. But I love it. I did a 2 hour presentation for my health crew on breastfeeding which was a mix of English, Spanish, and boobs. It went surprisingly well, and any amount of stage fright that I used to feel I no longer have. I have reached a new degree of shameless. This week I start volunteering at the local library teaching English and doing self esteem workshops. The kids from what I heard are great so I am excited to start working with a familiar population. I think that is all for no.I was yelled at for my lack of photos so I will be working on that as well this week. Happy Birthday to the Homies.


Lost in Translation

Hardly it would be more accurate to say lost in communication. I am at the pivitol moment where I cannot effectively communicate in Spanish English Spanglish. It is mostly entertaining occasionly frustrating and has the potential to be gut wrenching. And yet I feel like I need to work harder. Anywho, the update last week I met the US ambassador, went to a parade, got to see the craziest display of fireworks ever. So they have these structures called castillos that are four levels high and each one goes off with a display of fireworks and then lights the next level and so on. The last level is all the sky and releases large fireworks. There is nothing like this in the states. It is probably not safe but who cares when it looks so great. Oh I also watched a beauty pagent of teenage girls. Very interesting I find myself attending or participating in so many random things that I would probably not do at home. But event is an opportunity to learn more so I go. The girl who one totally deserved it. I visited catacombs on the weekend in a gorgeous old church. Oddly there was nothing creepy about it in my opinion. There was not even a strange gut feeling or goosebumps the way you would expect looking at tons of bones of previous people in piles. But awesome sight nonetheless. I forgot to mention I will also learn how to breed small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs. No I have not eaten one yet though I do plan on it in the future. I have eaten intestines, liver, and heart of pig, cow, and chicken. The food here is incredible. My mom wants me to go on a culinary adventure so I could not be more grateful. I also will hopefully learn how to cook from her.


Seems like so much longer

So I feel like I have been here so much longer than I actually have. Entering week three we have had lots of sex talks and more shots and more Spanish. This past weekend was great it was my little sister’s birthday party very impressive. I felt like I was officially living here playing host to a bunch of strangers. Nonetheless very entertaining a clown, a magician, a princess, and Barney showed up. I ate a lot of sugar and then went dancing with some new friends. Much needed relaxation on Sundays. Planning on going for hikes and exploring my whereabouts more. I went to a Grupo 5 concert last night. They are this great band extremely popular here. Danced some more, smiled tons, and hung out with the locals on a Monday night. You guys should check out that band online. I find that I listen to a lot more music these days. Every Saturday I have a class at the University where I get to learn about gardening, composting, recycling, reforestation, and so much more. I am going to be an even bigger hippie upon my return. I am learning a large amount about a wide variety of things. I attend a yoga class on Monday, dance class on Tuesday, and am teaching yoga class on Wednesdays. I have spent the past few weeks testing just how brave or extroverted I could be. Attempting to interview over twenty people in a language I have yet to master about some complicated topics. I have accepted that no matter what I am a spectacle and need to use it to my advantage. Everything here is poco a poco or little by little. An excellent philosophy to adopt to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Keep on dancing ya´ll. And as a public service annocement please practice safe sex.


Stories hoorah!

So we had an hour long lecture about everything diarrhea. It was very educational in fact Liz I feel this is the reason we require sturdagens. They say that within the first year 70% of our group will poop our pants. I assume the study undies serve as a protective barrier to complete embarrassment and unbearable messiness. On the list of excitement I fell down the road that leads to my house. This adventure is revealing how truly clumsy I am. No injuries yet. My family is great our house was just painted my favorite color green. The inside will soon be light purple and lime green. Which will promote energy and happiness through a pleasant and bright environment. I realized hot showers are overrated. The food is so much better here. Street smarts are invaluable courtesy of Aurora. Pedestrians need to pay attention, dogs are mean, and rocks are great defense against mean dogs. I am officially back into race mode because I am always busy. Eight hours of class each day. Four hours Spanish and four hours of technical training. It is an incredible workload in preparation for an incredible and challenging journey.
On the weekend I explored a city nearby which was full of people, excitement, gorgeous artistry. From fountains to parks to statues that play music. There is a food mecca at the market, my head almost exploded out of excitement. That night I went to a four year old birthday party which made me question why we even have parties in the states. It was so fun and eventful and full of food and sugar. Super enjoyable. So far so good. I definitely need to explore some more and continue working my butt off if I hope to be effective in the future. Miss ya´ll please post comments about how you are all doing. XOXO


My New Reality

So I have been here for more or less a week. It has been a roller coaster of events, people, stress, excitement but largely change. I have moved into my new home with my host family. They are a mom, a four year old sister, a two year old brother, and my grandma. In many ways I feel it is very similar to the situation I was last living in Denver. Hey Sally and Scott. I am adapting as best I can to the new language, travel, friends, family, town, and bosses. The transportation is always fun and I almost got hit by a bus the first day. You truly have to pay attention when crossing a highway. I will keep that in mind. I can´t really chat now but I thought I would say hello. Thinking of you constantly. With love.


Safe and Sound

Hey ya'll I made it successfully in one piece with all my luggage. I am much calmer and feel very secure with my decision to do this. I am looking forward to the opportunity to improve my Spanish. Make new friends with the locals and live a new experience. I will miss you but know that I love you and will keep you updated as much as I can. I will be fairly busy over the course
of the next few weeks, so do not be concerned. Have fun, be safe, and as always live the dream.



Yesterday I visited D.C. for the first time. I saw the White House,
Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. We toured the
Holocaust museum. It was so solemn and intense. Sadness
radiated from these materials that bore witness to such horrifying
events. I am a few showers and comfy beds away from the third world.

I have reached the point where my nerves are officially rattled.
I am in a hotel room in D.C. with my mother who is trying her best to
reassure me. She chooses to take the don't worry you have a beautiful
face route, people are nice to pretty people. Meanwhile I appear as though
I have turret's. I figure I better get all my profanities out before attempting
to become profound. I am excited, but getting fairly nervous. I do not like
the waiting process. Once I get on the adventure or my flight lands I will
regain my sense of serenity now. I will blog as soon as I can after I arrive
to let you all know I made it. Today I go to orientation more or less. I meet
the group of people that are my bosses, my coworkers, and my new companions.
This is the first day of my new job and the next chapter of my life. Welcome to adulthood...


Adios Pentucky!

So while it was of course lovely visiting my grams, I am certainly ready to get out of this town. I was walking in the boroughs and got royally lost because there is nothing but hills and windy roads. It was exhausting and amusing. I received my wedding rings which are gorgeous, intricate, and going into a safe for another two years. No worries not engaged, but forget the formality I am wearing them on my left hand this week since they are way too pretty to be anywhere other than my hand.

I think slowly but surely it is all sinking in that I am truly leaving. I do not feel anxiety at all which is completely out of character for me. It is so strange to know I will not see many people for years. But isn't this the nature of "growing up" in this country? Aren't we supposed to move away from our old lives in order to do something in our new lives? This is my current ponder, largely because once I figure it out I will have the decision made as to whether I should be returning to the US or staying abroad for many years to come. Boarding once again. Until the next flight.


Oh geez

So I am approaching my final week in Colorado. I have sold my road runner and living in a pile of a room trying to figure out exactly what to pack and leave and forget in general. I am working on tying up all the loose ends and getting around to saying farewells. As you all know I am not fond of good byes so for the most part I am choosing to refrain... I will see you all eventually soon. I am hoping to establish a certain form of communication that is ideal for each person. Some of you will be letter people, others email, for the most part the blog. It is an unbelievable journey this life. I am so glad to have met each person I consider a friend. You are all inspiring and amazing and I feel truly lucky to have surrounding myself with such amazingly colorful characters. I hope that the next few years are incredible, enjoyable, and full of growth and goodness. Also I just got Skype which all of you should get as well. It is free and that way I might be able to talk with all of you internationally. With love and admiration.


In the beginning...

So basically I have no idea what I am doing. Me being technologically challenged and what not. I would like everyone to know I created this all by myself. I am not sure what blogging entails. I am planning on doing my best to post semi focused blogs with pictures and punctuation. I will warn that I enjoy the use of fragments over sentences for all you English majors. I hope to update this page with some amount of regularity so that it is easy to follow. No promises. This is not going to be a complicated apparatus as there are so many options on this page. All I will be doing is writing, posting pictures, and likely responding to comments. Some days it will be like a diary (shallow), other days it will be therapeutic and venting (flailing), or reflections on life lessons (deep).

I should probably post a prelude to this adventure and where I am right now. The night before I receive the package that will determine my future. As you all know I am officially accepted into my dream job. I will be on my way in approximately one month. Departure date September 9th for Peru. There is so much to do in so little time. Also I am currently allowing people to post comments until I get enough feedback that I dislike. Then I might place everyone on probation, so behave! Or something. I hope this is a very honest and exciting location. A way to communicate, remain connected, create conversations, and get personal. That suffices as the groundwork for my blog. I am off to Costa Rica for 7 days. Let you know about it in the next episode. (I may or may not pretend like my life is a television show when I write).