
In the beginning...

So basically I have no idea what I am doing. Me being technologically challenged and what not. I would like everyone to know I created this all by myself. I am not sure what blogging entails. I am planning on doing my best to post semi focused blogs with pictures and punctuation. I will warn that I enjoy the use of fragments over sentences for all you English majors. I hope to update this page with some amount of regularity so that it is easy to follow. No promises. This is not going to be a complicated apparatus as there are so many options on this page. All I will be doing is writing, posting pictures, and likely responding to comments. Some days it will be like a diary (shallow), other days it will be therapeutic and venting (flailing), or reflections on life lessons (deep).

I should probably post a prelude to this adventure and where I am right now. The night before I receive the package that will determine my future. As you all know I am officially accepted into my dream job. I will be on my way in approximately one month. Departure date September 9th for Peru. There is so much to do in so little time. Also I am currently allowing people to post comments until I get enough feedback that I dislike. Then I might place everyone on probation, so behave! Or something. I hope this is a very honest and exciting location. A way to communicate, remain connected, create conversations, and get personal. That suffices as the groundwork for my blog. I am off to Costa Rica for 7 days. Let you know about it in the next episode. (I may or may not pretend like my life is a television show when I write).

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I know how to use this blog either lol
