

Well reflections on being older, I am not sure I really have any. I think that the less we worry about time the faster it goes. Things are going well I got busy again I have been teaching sex education in the high school. I organized a recycling competition and taught about how to separate trash. Presented my community diagnostic in a meeting where the authorities of my town were present. It appeared to be a very successful presentation because now people are realizing the importance to health promotion. The schools are implementing more plans and activities for the year. The municipality I believe will be funding my healthy households project though I may need assistance in the future for funding from you lovely people at home and all your wealthy connections. I will let you know. But pretty much $50 could make the difference to the healthy of a family, especially the children who are at the most risk of damage from smoke. Anyways, the parent school should be up and going this month where we are teaching about communication between parents and children. Trying to get more books for the library. My dance group absorbed most of my time recently as we had a dance competition in the capital city. Followed by another performance during a ceremony on Saturday which meant we were training every night of the week. There will be at least two more performances this week. Went to a psychic she told me some interesting things but I can only hope she is mistaken on the majority or else my stories will be getting much more interesting. The night before my birthday there was a dance in my town so went to shake it and brought in my birthday at midnight with a group of friends showering me in beer. The next day was mellow ceviche with some other friends and then dinner with some other friends. Pretty much food and drinking equals love and celebration here. It was all around nice but then reality returns and having to work my butt of again. Love yall thanks to those of you who remembered me.

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