
busy bunny

SO yes I have been working like a mad woman. I find it interesting that you can never seem to learn enough information on any one subject. Especially sex I had no idea how complicated sex was and all the psychology that goes into the decisions we make and the anatomy and then the gender roles,sexuality, birth control methods, pregnancy planning, safe pregnancies, and after care. And so I am becoming a sex expert for real. And then I am trying to train the rest of the twenty somethings in my youth group so that they can train the like 12-18 year olds in my site. I figure it is better to get sex advice from some one older than it is to get it from a 13 year old when you are a 13 year old you know. It would just add confusion to confusion. So I am changing the goals of my health program so that they make more sense. I work with moms and youth or people my own age or high school. Those are my main population. Then third would be babies. I should take pictures because you all would not believe how many babies actually love me. Still personally do not want my own though I do hear about it on a daily basis. how I shoul dget married and have babies already. It is so true though the more you know about sex the less you want to have it. Lets see still training mama bears about the flu and trying to get important members of the municipality involved in the process. Speaking of municipality so we are in election time and on loud speakers all day long I hear propoganda and songs about who we should vote for and in the night there are caravans of people and cars chanting. Ridiculous I keep waiting for a dance war to break out or soemthing more dramatic. But nothing. Boo.

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