
Its almost over

Hello All,
I wish I could be more diligent about writing but sometimes life just takes over, or the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is to stare at a computer screen. So even though it is too many months past here is the update. March was filled with business trying to get ready for a training and getting all the regional coordinators informed on our new project framework. The newly defined and focused goals and objectives for our program are a great improvement. Now instead of focusing so much on the family's infrastructures we are looking at the direct advances of the kids nutrition and development. We are less focused on using indicators like the number of people trained or information related indicators and much more focused on the practices and ensuring improvements in the child's mental and physical development. Following the training I was off to Piura to do supervisions of some volunteer's projects. They are all doing a good job and we focused on strenghtening their organization and M&E skills. It was really cool to get to spend some time with them and help them be more effective or just give them positive feedback. I took advantage to head to La Matanza for a few hours get a nice lunch and catch up with some friends. To my surprise many people had gotten married and had their first baby really exciting to see how everyone was growing up.Then I took a vacation with Joel at the end of the month to celebrate Holy week we went to one of the world's biggest catholic celebrations. They had beautiful processions, created huge works of art on the streets made out of flowers, dancing at night with fireworks and running with the bulls. It was a lot of fun during the days we took advantage to go hiking we visited some preincan ruins, a cave where supposedly the first man lived in the americas, a waterfall and a rock forest. One day we were completely rained on which was freezing at the altitude but the fresh air and gorgeous scenery really helped us relax. In April, I headed to Cajamarca for a week to continue doing supervisions it was my first time to that area and the altitude definitely made it much more challenging to keep up with the hiking. After helping some people get on track in terms of our new framework I took my last day before returning to Lima having a delicious lunch, dipping in the hot springs and after almost 48 hours of traveling in buses and combis on dusty rocky roads I treated myself to a much needed massage. While in lima continued training 3 days a week and got ready for mom's visit. On the 24th Joel fought the current champion of Ecuador as the main event here in Lima, he unfortunately lost and was left needing stitches in the back of the head and behind his ear. It was the most terrifying moment to date to watch the person you love getting battered and then laying unconscious. So we spent a few hours in the ER getting all stitched up, certainly a learning experience. He is taking a few months to recover and will be probably fighting again in July needless to say I will be much more nervous for his next fight. Then mom came to town we went to the beaches in the south and checked out spots to have the wedding ceremony, then we went to PAracas and saw the mini galapagos of sea lions, birds and penguins. Amazing day out on the boat and in general fun trip to be able to share time with Joel and my mom. Mother approved thank goodness! We celebrated my 26th birthday with a haircut, pedicure, museum visit, thai food and some great drinks with exotic fruits. The next day we checked out an archaeological site also preincan civilization and closed out a fun trip with a gourmet lunch. Thanks Mom for coming down. And then back to preparations for another training event. Unexpectedly I was asked to travel to Chiclayo for more supervisions. Followed by another trip back to Piura we spent a week training volunteers, this time I was a facilitator for the behavior change session and helping with the project design and management section after 5 days of talking in strong voice for at least 4 hours a day I was left with a very hoarse voice. Following the training which felt very successful and up to date in terms of ALL the changes we have in the program in work style and priorities I was off to La Matanza again for a day and a half visiting with old friends and taking a short break before heading back to the City life of Lima. It seems like I brought the sun back with me thank goodness because I am not ready for the winter and 6 months of gray skies to begin. I am here for a week getting ready for our NEXT training event in 1 week where we will head to Ancash. So basically lots of traveling getting to see some new places and help volunteers become more effective. I will have June to close out my service and leave everything saved in the computer systems and hopefully in volunteer knowledge and practice to be able to form the following group that should be arriving in September. Oh how time flies, Joel and I are completing soon 1 year of living together. Every month is closer to the end of service I have bought my plane tickets home for July 2, going to CO on July 14 and heading back to Peru on August 2. People keep asking me what is next and to be honest I have not had the time to reflect very much on it, I would like to learn Portuguese, get married, get my residency and then go from there. Beyond that I suppose look for a job or start developing my nutrition business. It seems too hard to think that far into the future as so many things must happen first. I know it is only 2 months away really but the to do list in front of me is so long I can even look up. I can only trust whatever comes will come and it will be good because I will always work hard and do a good job. Sending love and cannot wait to see all of you so SOON!

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