
Getting my dance on

Still teaching English. On top I am now spending more time working in the Health Center working with mother´s that have malnourished children. As well as training more health promoters so that we can reach everyone in this large district. I went to the Grupo 5 concert which was as usually amazing. Love that group and apparently they love me too because they were flirting with me, and inviting me to come dance on stage. I had gotten used to being famous in my site but being noticable with one of the most popular groups in Peru. That is an accomplishment it was like every thirteen year olds dream. What can I say boy bands are dreamy. I would have danced on stage but there were too many people from my town at the concert. Instead I just got my dance on close to the stage. It was lovely and perhaps if I cannot find better work I will be the stage dancer for Grupo 5 after my service. I went to the dermatologist to see why my legs have had this ugly rash for 2 months. Apparently, I am allergic to my pants. How do you resolve that issue? Not wear pants but then everyone tells you that you have ugly legs and the cycle begins again. I got some meds hopefully they work. I went dancing with some girl friends in a dance club which was really enjoyable it was inside but with an open roof. Huge dance floor filled completely. There is the crazy hour where no one can leave the dance floor for the full hour. It flies by though and I did it in heels! I have been elected to be the nutritionist for another program aimed at preventing malnutrition aiding mothers with small children. I also tried stilts this week. Surprisingly much easier than I thought it would be. I am going to be ready for the circus by the end of my service. I think I will also learn how to juggle. My dance group is back in action so my nights have been filled with classes we will be performing next week. The garden has a lot of potential and will be getting help from NGO too so here comes the business. There is a lot of local interest in my vegetables so the next harvest will be sold the funds will support youth working there and gain funds to continue the project. It sounds so much easier than it is going to be. But I have faith I have unyielding faith that I am going to do something great here and that all it takes is lots of elbow grease and being a pain in other people´s asses. People ask me why I laugh when I am alone here, and I tell them that the other person who would be laughing at the joke is in the states. In my heart and on my mind, I think about ya´ll all the time!


  1. You are so great and a wonderful influence! You make me want to be a better person! Keep up the good work my love!
