

Ok so I went on this trip to get work training and it was incredible and interesting. It completely rejuvenated me about my decision to do this for the next few years. So anyways we took an 8 hour bus ride on this super sweet ride through the country side. It was gorgeous and it actually did not suck at all. Which is important that buses are rides in style here because chances are I will have to ride for 20 or more hours at some point. That all depends on my site. But any who so we arrived late slept in a hostel woke up traveled to a small town at the base of the tallest mountain in Peru. Unfortunately, I was not able to see it because of cloud coverage but it was like you could feel its greatness. I built a latrine, and ate cuy (guinea pig). Tastes like chicken it is just much more work because of the small bone structure and minimal meat. Did home visits about early childhood stimulation and got to better know my co-workers. The next day we went to a different small town and learned how to build improved cooking stoves. It was a get dirty kind of week with lots of hands on work. So happy to get back to construction. The last day we worked with kids building pinatas and interviewing the community. I definitely feel better prepared now. I find out this week where I will be staying for the next two years. I will miss my host family because they have been amazingly warm, but I am getting used to goodbyes. This experience is going to be challenging and demanding but totally worthwhile. And this country is beautiful on so many different levels. I missed Halloween because we were traveling back on a bus to our homes. No worries though because yesterday I was able to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. It is all about paying respect to the dead and spending time in a cemetery. It is something that I think everyone should do. I also ate cow heart off a street cart and did not get sick. My body has done me quite well I hope my health stays in the positive. Because many other people have not been so lucky. And for now that will have to suffice as I would love to sleep. Tomorrow I am teaching English in a middle school. Hopefully the kids do not eat me alive. It has been a strange ride so far I keep learning new things. One day at a time, one new encounter at a time.

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