
Ask and you shall receive

So this week I introduce pictures not many but some is better than none right. I also would like to mourn the loss of a long battle. Yes to all you who have been trying for years to get me to join I did, I officially sold out. If you do not know what that means than it is not relevant. I can be all your friends now, ha. Anyways, this past week was the celebration of many birthdays. Monday we went to celebrate a coworker’s birthday with lots of dancing and laughter. Then Tuesday was my cousin´s birthday so I sat and was able to be socially gracefully, I impressed myself. I am making progress in the language and culture category. Plus I feel that I am apart of my host family which is amazing. Then Thursday we went to visit these day cares which were impeccably organized and clean. Plus I got to try blood donuts truly delicious. As if there were not enough kids, back to volunteering at the library that afternoon. Friday we had a health fair in which I taught about how to make baby food and the diet of a small child to a group of mother´s. That day was my mom´s birthday as well so it was yet another gathering of the family at our house. Picture included. Saturday I went to the university and learned about how to raise guinea pigs. Oh yes I would like to have like 1,000 and be the queen of the guinea pigs. By the way they are top quality in the ratio of protein and low fat per square inch. Hoping to eat one soon. Plus they make leather out of the skin too. Food and fashion can´t get better than that. Attended a 1 year old birthday party which is organized chaos of confetti, clowns, candy, cake, children no batteries included. Went to bed early. Spent Sunday doing laundry and exploring the nearby city watched a traditional dance competition tried some local fruit and the ceviche which is world renowned. Actually felt relaxed for the first time in a while. I really need to utilize free time. Did some yoga yesterday and tomorrow we are off to get our hands dirty with training in the communities. I will miss Halloween but no worries I am sure the bus ride will be a great time. Sunday is another birthday party and also Dia de los Muertos. I will explain that holiday in the next edition. Plus other the other exciting adventures of this week. Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. I just spent the night in a hectic frenzy of cleaning house. I didn't know why this feeling overcame me, but I had to submit. In this crazed sense of abandonment to the gods of cleanliness and psychosis, I found something I had lost. You. Or more specifically, your email and blog address. I sat here for hours, reading and re-reading everything you'd written, hugging you closer than I had ever dreamed possible. I hadn't realized how much I had missed you, just how angry I was at myself for losing touch. And then I cried. I can't say why, just that the comfort of having you near, knowing where you were and what you were doing. All of it compiled into a hot sweaty mess of beautiful catharsis. I'm wonderfully proud, mildly jealous and oh so unbelievably hopeful that this day finds you healthy, happy and filled with a sense of accomplishment. You are loved, but then you know that. I will write more soon. Just know that I miss you and am thinking of you. *hugsnotdrugs* :P Jasmin
